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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Generating Indexes

> btw. the next problems are already arising, as I also need to figure out 
> references to tables, to images, glossary, ...

You do this with <xref>s. An example is easiest;

Name the element you want to reference first, i.e.

<figure id="my_figure">

then anywhere you want to refer to it, use <xref linkend="my_figure" />, 
which gets converted to "Figure x", where x is the figure number. With 
other elements, the appropriate noun is inserted in place of "Figure".

(this is correct, isn't it guys?)

At least, this is how I do it with XML. For all I know it differs when 
using SGML.

Incidentally, you probably want to use element id's that describe what they 
label, i.e. <figure id="fig-image_description">,
<section id="section-section_about_topic_x">. It's not compulsory in the 
slightest, but I'd argue that it makes the xref's more legible when you're 
writing the document.


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