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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: Glossary

I haven't looked at biblio.xsl, but here's an xsl that I had our
developers write for me to use as a preprocessing step. To use it,
include the master glossary in your document (e.g. as an entity), then
run this xsl on it. glossify.xsl removes any glossentries that aren't
used in the document or in the glossdefs or glossseealsos of terms that
are used (i.e. it's recursive). It also sorts the glossentries and
removes any glossdivs. Note: it's not smart enough to deal with
something like <glossterm><acronym>XML</acronym><glossterm> in the
glossary. Take the resulting document and run it through norm's xsls to
get your output.

I'd posted an earlier version of this here a while back. The previous
one required three separate xsls, now it's down to one. I recommend
using Saxon for glossify.xsl. Xalan is very slow for this task.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jirka Kosek [mailto:jirka@kosek.cz]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 10:09 AM
> To: Katharina Udemadu
> Cc: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: Glossary
> Katharina Udemadu wrote:
> > Is there anyone who has experience in selecting particular 
> GlossEntries
> > for processing?
> > 
> > My plan is to create one big Glossary that contains 
> GlossEntries related
> > to different products (for
> > company internal usage).
> > As part of the product documentation, I want to create 
> product-related
> > glossaries.
> > Can anyone give me advice how I can proceed?
> XSL stylesheets implements similar mechanism for bibliography
> processing. You can create one big document with all 
> citations but only
> really cited works are used in processing. Implementing this 
> in XSLT is
> quite easy, you can inspire yourself in bibliography code 
> (biblio.xsl). 
> 			Jirka
> P.S. I'm redirecting this message to docbook-apps list, where 
> it should
> go.
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>   Jirka Kosek  	                     
>   e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz
>   http://www.kosek.cz


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