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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Quadding in biblioentry's

/ Rory Hunter <roryh@dcs.ed.ac.uk> was heard to say:
| I was trying out (define %default-quadding% #t) on a file, and for the
| most part it looks good, however as a result of doing so my
| <biblioentry>s won't break on spaces, but end up extending off the
| page. I'd like justified paragraphs etc. in my document, but have
| <biblioentry>s behave as if 'start aligned.
| Any ideas on how to do this with DSSSL, 1.74b stylesheets?

Make a customization layer that redefines the construction rule for
biblioentry. About 30 lines into that rule there's a (make paragraph...).
In your version add an explicit quadding of 'start.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Thanks to words, we have been able
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | to rise above the brutes; and
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | thanks to words, we have often
                                   | sunk to the level of the
                                   | demons.--Aldous Huxley

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