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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: Glossary

Thanks a lot, David. It works very well.

I am now using the glossify.xsl as preprocessing step, then I am running the
result through jade + DSSSL. This does the job (at the moment).


David Cramer schrieb:

> Katharina,
> I haven't looked at biblio.xsl, but here's an xsl that I had our
> developers write for me to use as a preprocessing step. To use it,
> include the master glossary in your document (e.g. as an entity), then
> run this xsl on it. glossify.xsl removes any glossentries that aren't
> used in the document or in the glossdefs or glossseealsos of terms that
> are used (i.e. it's recursive). It also sorts the glossentries and
> removes any glossdivs. Note: it's not smart enough to deal with
> something like <glossterm><acronym>XML</acronym><glossterm> in the
> glossary. Take the resulting document and run it through norm's xsls to
> get your output.
> I'd posted an earlier version of this here a while back. The previous
> one required three separate xsls, now it's down to one. I recommend
> using Saxon for glossify.xsl. Xalan is very slow for this task.
> David

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