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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Newbie!! Windoz installation?

I am a clueless newbie.  Please point me at a FAQ
if I am asking a totally scruffy question.

I am writing an HTML textbook, want to teach XML
in one chapter, found DocBook and think it would be
a far, far better thing to teach than teaching XML.
(Yes, I have compassion for the student/readers.)

Can someone please point me to a FAQ or page
or something that will help me install DocBook,
and the associated "stuff" I need to have to
build and display a couple of sample pages
on a Windoz box?  Yes, I know, evil empire
and all that.  I have Unix boxes I can ssh to
and install it, but having it at home on Windoz
would be a Good Thing, so I could so advise
my student/readers.

Help, please?


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