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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: How to make my own stylesheets

I just figured it out, the entry in the FAQ page is not quite correct, 
or at least doesn't correspond to the version of the stylesheets I am using.

In /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/html/dbparam.dsl I found:

(define %stylesheet%
   ;; REFENTRY stylesheet
   ;; PURP Name of the stylesheet to use
   ;; DESC
   ;; The name of the stylesheet to place in the HTML LINK TAG, or '#f' to
   ;; suppress the stylesheet LINK.
   ;; /DESC
   ;; AUTHOR N/A


(define %stylesheet% "mystyle.css")

in my DSSSL customization had the desired effect.

This is on a debian sid system (bleeding edge version of Debian).


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