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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Slides DTD


I am using Slides package version 2.0a2a1  along with Docbook XSL
StyleSheets version 1.45. Currently I am producing slides to be used
during Linux Training and unfortunately the elements are very limited.
For example I need to type the keycombo CTRL+ALT+F2 yet I can not get
it. This is available in the Docbook XML 4.1.2 but not on the slides :-(

The above is just one example like foreignphase application these are
all missing.

What are my alternatives other than creating a DTD of which I have no
idea to get it done. Is there a way to produce slides based on an
article which is Docbook XML 4.1.2 ?

Thanks in advance

Togan Muftuoglu

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