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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Getting the right Doctype for xsltproc?

Some questions:

First, I am still, despite the best efforts of a
couple of you, seemingly a clueless newbie...sigh
for that I apologize in advance...

I can't find out how to build the right DOCTYPE to
have xsltproc parse my little xml file.  I created a
very simple one just to see if I could get SOMETHING
to work.  Bob Stayton and Norm Walsh have helped
a lot, but I am still a little lost????  

Bob's three step process seems to be working, at
least xsltproc runs now, it just throws up all over me
when I give it a file.

As I understand the process...please correct me if
I am wrong:

1. Create an xml (Docbook) document inside a recognized
    name like <book></book>.
2.  Pass same to xsltproc giving xslt the dtd to use,
     in this case docbook.xsl?  (Here is where I start
     going off into the weeds...)
3.  xsltproc processes the document and creates 
     an html file viewable in a standard browser.

How does xslt get the dtd?  Is this magic?

What does jade do?  I have tried to make that
little puppy work, too???

Um, yes, I am still confused??!!??

Thanks in advance.


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