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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Problems with (make entity system-id:).

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On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 01:08:18PM -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:
> [Follow-ups to docbook-apps, please]
> / Josef Karthauser <joe@tao.org.uk> was heard to say:
> | I've tracked the problem down to the following interaction:
> |
> |     ;; Tests
> |     (root
> | 	(make sequence
> | 	    (make entity
> | 		system-id: "testfile1")
> | 	    (make entity
> | 		system-id: "testfile2")
> | 	    (process-children)))
> You need a root rule that looks more like this:
> (root
>  (make sequence
>  	    (make entity
>  		system-id: "testfile1")
>  	    (make entity
>  		system-id: "testfile2")
>    (process-children)
>    (with-mode manifest
>      (process-children))
>    (if html-index
>        (with-mode htmlindex
> 	 (process-children))
>        (empty-sosofo))))

Ah, ok.  Thanks.

As a matter of interest why doesn't my root rule cascade and do the
right thing anyway?


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