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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Top page margin too small


I'm rendering an <article> using DSSSL + customisation layer. I'm finding 
that when I print out a hard copy of my work, the top margin has completely 
messed up (gone off the top of the page), taking my page headers with it. 
I'm printing to A4, and I've set the paper type to that in my customisation 
layer. The process I'm using is;

     openjade <blah>
     jadetex file.tex
     jadetex file.tex
     jadetex file.tex


     dvips file.dvi -o file.ps


     dvipdf file.dvi

I notice however that I get the correct margin at the top of PDF files if I 
use pdfjadetex (which I'm not currently using as I'm using images in EPS 
format, which the archives indicate isn't supported in pdfjadetex).

I tried setting %top-margin%, but that set the margin between my page 
headers and the page content, not what I wanted at all!

How can I ensure that the top of my files aren't clipped with converting my 
eps files to 300 dpi png's and using pdfjadetex?


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