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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Slides XSL and confsponsor
Hi, answering my own question, looks like coffee works :-) * Togan Muftuoglu; <toganm@users.sourceforge.net> on 08 Jan, 2002 wrote: > <slidesinfo> > <confgroup> > <conftitle> Title</conftitle> > <confsponsor>Sponsor</confsponsor> > </confgroup/> > </slidesinfo> In order this to work; in titlepages.xsl the following is needed (or I missed it) by defining in my own template system I made it to work. <xsl:template match="confsponsor" mode="titlepage.mode"> <span class="{name(.)}"> <xsl:apply-templates mode="titlepage.mode"/> <br/> </span> </xsl:template> -- Togan Muftuoglu
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