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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: looking to develop training materials using docbook

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, rpjday wrote:
>   is there a pre-made solution for this?  anyone done something 
> like this that they's care to share with me?  thanks for any
> guidance.

I have a system that I use for training materials.  It's a DocBook
<article> with slides in certain sections.  The printed handouts are done
with the standard print stylesheets, skipping the slides; the slides are
done with a different stylsheet, as are any sample files (extracted via an
added attribute on <programlisting>s).  The system could be tweaked pretty
easily to include the slides in the printed output, though it would be a
little bit of work since most of that formatting is handled by CSS.

It's still pretty preliminary, but I'd be willing to share it with those
who are interested.


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