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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Using fo-patch-for-fop.xsl and question about XHTMLnamespaces
/ Carlos Araya <carlos@cvc.edu> was heard to say: | I have two more questions after which I believe I can go back to writing. | | Is there a way to eliminate the xmlns: declarations from every single | element on an XHTML file? They are hardcoded into each page and I don't know What processor are you using? It isn't wrong to have them on every element, but it also isn't necessary. Saxon, for example, only outputs one at the top. | if excluding the XHTML prefix would cause some problem I can't see (the | problem of generating XHTML files was solved by switching to 1.48 version of | the style sheets, which caused the next question) The XHTML namespace name was one of the features that the previous stylesheets couldn't provide. | How on earth do I use the fo-patch-for-fop.xsl file? I've searched the | sourceforge site and have found no information about the patch at all Urk. Sorry. After you've produced x.fo using the regular stylesheets, process it with fo-patch-for-fop.xsl to produce x.fop and pass that to FOP. It's just another stylesheet. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | 'Heartless Cynics,' the young men http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | shout, / Blind to the world of Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | Fact without; / 'Silly Dreamers,' | the old men grin / Deaf to the | world of Purpose within.--W. H. | Auden
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