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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Conceptual model for processing DocBook SGML and XML
/ Nik Clayton <nik@freebsd.org> was heard to say: | Interesting. I've just started looking at redoing this in a more | portable format, but the tools I've looked at so far (basically, Visio | and Kivio) don't support SVG output, which I'd assumed would be the | preferred format. Any other suggestions? FWIW, the same tool I used to produce the PNG can produce SVG. (There's something wrong with text centering though, clearly.)
Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | We cannot put off living until we http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | are ready. The most salient Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | characteristic of life is its | coerciveness: it is always urgent, | 'here and now' without any | possible postponement. Life is | fired at us point blank.--Jos\'e | Ortega Y Gasset
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