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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Conceptual model for processing DocBook SGML andXML

At 03:40 09/01/2002 -0500, Daniel Veillard wrote:

>   Hum, one of the thing which strikes me is that there is no
>     DocBook XML -> TeX
>transformations. Basically they require going through FO where the
>semantic is lost and only content/formatting is left, where then TeX
>is generated.
>   Granted, LaTeX is not TeX, but isn't there more semantic to TeX than
>just content/formatting . Wouldn't a direct DocBook XML -> TeX transformation
>makes senses (I'm not asking if someone wants to do it or if it's simple ;-)

Sebastian Rahtz seems to think using Latex is not a good approach.
Almost for fun, I tried a java filter on the output of a transform,
to do some fairly obvious stuff, going into Latex.

I didn't go deep enough to prove it out but it seemed not unreasonable.

Regards daveP

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