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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: DocBook XML on Mac OS X

Hi folks,
Happy new year and all the best.

In order to use docBook XML on OS X with my team, I've packaged everything
needed into an OS X package.

In fact's only Xalan and Fop with shell-script wrappers, and is quite
straightforward to use.

Once installed (everything goes to /Users/Shared/DocBook, and install adds a
few lines to your .tcshrc), you just have to type

    docbook2pdf my-docbook.xml
    docbook2html my-docbook.xml

to get the desired output.

If you want to get it, it's available for now at (6.2MB)


Check out projectomega.org for Mac OS X developer documentation and updates
of this package.

Feedback is, of course, extremely welcome.

Cheers to all of you, and keep up the good work.
Julien "mezis" LETESSIER  snail-mail:              tel: +33 6 63 19 67 11
ENSIMAG student           36 cours Berriat         ICQ# 109936509
second year               38000 Grenoble - FRANCE  mail: mezis@online.fr

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