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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Tutorials and Training materials


While searching for ease of tools for creating tutorials and training
materials with "xml", I encountered to the IBM developer works site and
they have a tool chain called "Tootomatic" which includes dtd, xsl
style sheets to create a web page with links to the tutorial in html and
in pdf even giving the opportunity to produce a zip file of the

For many of you writing such style sheets this could be piece of
cake but for the average user who is trying learn emacs, xml, xsl,
Fop, java all at one go just to produce a tutorial or an article is
an overloading task.  Docbook is an easy solution for an out of box
tool with the style sheets which ara parameterized so provided the
documentation pages for the parameter values are read an average user
can come out with a reasonable pretty looking output.

I had a change to look at the link Camille posted about logidee tools
but that is needing localization to be added where as with Docbook at
least for Turkish there is localization.

So I am ending with three dtds Docbook XML for producing articles,
Docbook Slides to produce slides for training, and Docbook Web site to
produce web pages and three XSL style sheet.  

The Docbook DTD covers almost everything for the tutorials yet would it
not be good if there was a style sheet to produce a similar probably a
better output then IBM's Tootomatic ? 

As I mentioned I am an average user who is trying to go thru the
learning process in a tight fitted schedule like many other people on
the list. So consider this as a request for enhancement

Togan Muftuoglu
"All language designers are arrogant. Goes with the territory..." (By Larry Wall)

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