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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Image scale problem
Hello, I've just installed new stylesheets 1.48 and new PassiveTeX and I've new problem with images when using scale parameter in imagedata tag: <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="obrazky/historie_ll.jpg" format="JPG" align="center" scale="50"/> </imageobject> When I process this code through PassiveTeX, it shows this error: <obrazky/historie_ll.jpg, id=165, 1027.84pt x 770.88pt> ! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). <to be read again> % l.9 ... content-width="50%" content-height="50%"/> </fo:block></fo:block><fo:... Is that a stylesheets or PassiveTeX problem? Thanks for any help. Martin Perina
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