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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: XMLSpy and entities
"Norman Walsh" <ndw@nwalsh.com> wrote 11/01/02 15:51: > [Follow-ups to docbook-apps, please] > > / "Joe D. Williams" <joe_d_williams@mindspring.com> was heard to say: > | Forgive this newbie if this has been answered elsewhere (or if this > | question should go to docbook-apps), but how do you get XML Spy to > | validate/accept external entities? > > It should "just work". > > | My markup looks almost exactly like the example in the online > | Definitive Guide and validates fine in XMetaL. > > If it validates fine in XMetaL, it sounds like an XMLSpy bug. > Can you post a short example that fails in spy? > > Be seeing you, > norm I had the same problem originally until I switched to Text-mode instead of all those nested boxes. Then I realized that Spy auto-inserted either attributes or elements - I don't remember exactly which - if there was a formal requirement of at least one element/attribute from a list. So I suggest that you check your document for those types of overly helpful "editing capabilities". Anyway, below is a driver that I use to collect chapters in a book and it validates with XML-Spy 4.2. Piet. -------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML 4.1.2//EN" "docbookx.dtd" [ <!--<!ENTITY boginfo SYSTEM "bookinfo.xml">--> <!--<!ENTITY indhold SYSTEM "indhold.xml">--> <!ENTITY chapter1 SYSTEM "chapter1.xml"> <!ENTITY chapter2 SYSTEM "chapter2.xml"> <!ENTITY chapter3 SYSTEM "chapter3.xml"> <!ENTITY chapter4 SYSTEM "chapter4.xml"> <!ENTITY chapter5 SYSTEM "chapter5.xml"> ]> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="klask.xsl"?> <book> <title>Klassifikationsteori</title> <bookinfo> <authorgroup> <author> <firstname>Henning </firstname> <surname>Grauballe</surname> </author> <author> <firstname>Sˆ½ren </firstname> <surname>Kaae</surname> </author> <author> <firstname>Marianne </firstname> <surname>Lykke</surname> </author> <author> <firstname>Jens-Erik</firstname> <surname>Mai</surname> </author> </authorgroup> <edition>2. udgave</edition> <publisher> <publishername>Danmarks Biblioteksskole</publishername> <address>Birketinget 6, 2300S, Kˆ½benhavn</address> </publisher> <pubdate>1998</pubdate> <pagenums>63</pagenums> <releaseinfo>1. XML-DocBook udgave</releaseinfo> </bookinfo> <!--&boginfo;--> <!--&indhold;--> &chapter1; &chapter2; &chapter3; &chapter4; &chapter5; </book> ---------
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