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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Again: Apache FOP, Docbook: Features / Versions,"complete" Docbook distribution

le 13/01/02 21:00, Steffen Maier écrivit:

> Uhm, sorry, haven't tried FOP myself yet. Maybe one of the experts out
> there can comment on this? I just wonder why there are class files, isn't
> FOP packaged as a jar file that even specifies its main-class in its
> manifest, so one doesn't have to know what class to run in the java vm?

Okay then:
The Fop distrib comes as follows:

|-- build
|   `-- fop.jar
|-- conf
|-- docs
|-- fop.bat ***
|-- fop.sh  ***
|-- hyph
`-- lib
    |-- avalon-framework-4.0.jar
    |-- batik.jar
    |-- jimi-1.0.jar
    |-- jimi-License.txt
    |-- logkit-1.0b4.jar
    |-- xalan-2.0.0.jar
    |-- xalanj1compat.jar
    `-- xerces-1.2.3.jar

To run Fop, two options:

* run fop.bat or fop.sh under a command prompt (the former under Window$,
the latter under your favorite UNIX). With no arguments it gives some help.

* run 'java org.apache.fop.apps.Fop' with all the above jar-files in your
classpath. Gives some help about command-line arguments, too.

Since fop includes Xalan, it can do both of the following:

       XSLT       Render
My.xml ---> My.fo -----> My.pdf

(replace PDF by whatever format you like, e.g. Plain text, PostScript,

Hoping this helps,
Julien "mezis" LETESSIER  snail-mail:              tel: +33 6 63 19 67 11
Eleve-ingénieur ENSIMAG   36 cours Berriat         ICQ# 109936509
deuxième année            38000 Grenoble - FRANCE  mail: mezis@online.fr

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