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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: "Abbreviated" DocBook (notice about doxygen)

>From: "Prikryl,Petr" <PRIKRYLP@skil.cz>
>Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: "Abbreviated" DocBook (notice about
>         doxygen)
>Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 09:14:07 +0100
>Being one of the contributors to the development (not directly
>working on XML part), I can tell you that it generates XML as one
>of its output.  It is currently really experimental part of
>doxygen and others work hard on that.  As far as I know, the XML
>output will probably become a kind of intermediate (internal)
>form of the generated results.  It is primarily tailored to
>capture details generated by doxygen.  Then, the set of
>generators then will produce final output formats.

Are they planning on using XSLT to transform the XML into the other output 
formats?  There are plenty of XSLT libraries out there, including one from 
both the Apache XML project and GNOME.  IMO, it'd be worth taking a very 
close look at XSLT, for this.  From my own experience at automatically 
generating DocBook from another fairly rich XML vocabulary, I can say that 
one needs to actually put a bit of thought into the architecture of the 
stylesheets.  (for those of you who're interested, this might be a good 
place to start: http://nwalsh.com/docs/articles/dbdesign/ )

>There definitely are people among doxygen users who would
>like to see DocBook XML as one of the final output form.
>This is not the case, yet.  It would be nice to attract some
>of the DocBook experts to doxygen development to accelerate
>the DocBook XML generator development.

Since I'm currently working with documentation of software written in a 
fairly specialized, low-level language not supported by doxygen, I haven't 
spent much time looking at it.  However, since I'm interested in potentially 
using it for future projects, I have some ideas about the usage model I'd 
like to employ and features I'd like to use, relating to XML DocBook output. 
  Is there a forum for submitting such requests and suggestions?

Matt Gruenke

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