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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Porblems with l10n...

First of all, I beg you pardon if this turns out to be a very trivial 

This is what I'm working with:

- Xalan Version 1.2.2, XML4J Version Xerces 1.2.2
- DocBook XSL stylesheet version >= 1.41

My DocBook documents can be transformed without problem with version 
1.41 of the stylesheets, and actually I always work with this version. 
But if I try to use version like 1.44, 1.45 or 1.48, I get messages like 
the following:

========= Parsing file:/usr/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.44/xhtml/docbook.xsl 
Parse of file:/usr/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.44/xhtml/docbook.xsl took 
6755 millis
========= Parsing file:/home/giuliano/iccu/appunti/sparsi/a.xml ==========
Parse of file:/home/giuliano/iccu/appunti/sparsi/a.xml took 2609 
Parser error: Element type "l:l10n" must be declared.
Parser error: Attribute "language" must be declared for element type 
Parser error: Element type "l:gentext" must be declared.
Parser error: Attribute "key" must be declared for element type "l:gentext".
Parser error: Attribute "text" must be declared for element type 
Parser error: Element type "l:gentext" must be declared.
Parser error: Attribute "key" must be declared for element type "l:gentext".
Parser error: Attribute "text" must be declared for element type 

The output contains several thousands of similar lines.

Where am I wrong?

Can anyone show me at least some links to FAQ, docs and such?

Many thanks in advance.

Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D.
Virtual System Administrator
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico (ICCU)
Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY
Tel. +3964989509

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