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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Again: Apache FOP,Docbook: Features / Versions,"complete" Docbook distribution
Hi all, Hmm, well, there seems to be a (screaming) demand for basic DocBook (XML) processing docs. The fact is I've written a DocBook-app howto, er... Tutorial... Whatever, originaly with OS X in mind, but finally it's not at all OS X specific. It describes a classic DB/XML processing chain using the Apache tools and gives lots of doc pointers. It's a good introduction before using the comprehensive DB package I developed for projectomega.org. Those interested can download it at http://mezis.free.fr/docbook.xml.pdf or browse it at http://mezis.free.fr/docbook.xml.html (for now) It will be available on projectomega.org as soon as it's completely finished; I'll repost then. Sorry for the probable errors, I've only been speaking English for 10 years. Feedback welcome :) Cheers, -- Julien "mezis" LETESSIER ENSIMAG student
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