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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Again: Apache FOP,Docbook: Features / Versions,"complete" Docbook distribution

Julien Letessier wrote:

> le 14/01/02 17:02, Alexander Schatten écrivit:
>>the same here and in other similar projects: what I feel angry about is,
>>that many of these projects suffer on two things:
>>-- setup and installation
>>-- documentation
> (snip)
> It's in the works... I've created a self-installing and complete DocBook
> package for OS X. The same for other Unices should be out in the next few
> weeks :)

this is great. could you inform me asap?

> Don't be so angry, most of this stuff is still experimental -- and,
> naturally, complex and un-documented. Remember that, if Word is so easy to
> install and use, it's perhaps because people are *paid* to make it so...

no, no: please don´t misunderstand me: I am not angry with the people; I 
am angry because I am in fear for the project. I love the docbook idea, 
and I basically find the xsl stylesheets Norman Walsh did excellent too, 
also his reference.

I just want to warn, that one may not forget the normal user, because I 
saw other great projects die because of this. and this would be really a 
shame, _because_ the idea and the work up to now is so good.

AND: I just wanted to point out the "typical engineer blind spots", 
which can be at the end of the day, the dead of a good project.

So I am afraid, not really angry!

thank you for your comments!


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