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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Suggestion for how to mark up references to not es.

Are you notes also written up in Docbook?  Are they part of the same
publication or are they different publications.

You might want to use olink or xref?


> -----Original Message-----
> I'm working on a publication using docbook.  We have a lot of 
> additional
> notes that I'd like to reference from within the book, but am 
> unsure as
> to what the best way to mark them up is.
> Here's a fragment from the book to show what I mean:
>     <para> 1. The paths shown here are circular and simply connected.
>     What happens if the paths are not circular? In note 144 I 
> deal with
>     the non circular paths using line integrals and the 
> Residue theorem.
>     However I can leave my paths circular without loosing generality
>     for several reasons. </para>
> So far I've come up with:
> * I could define a new element and write my own DSSSL to handle it.
> * Perhaps I could treat all the notes like a bibliography, and instead
>   cite them.
> Has anyone got any experience or suggestions that they can make me?
> I'd be very grateful.
> Thanks,
> Joe

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