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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with l10n...

On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 04:08:01PM +0100, Andrea Giuliano wrote:
> First of all, I beg you pardon if this turns out to be a very trivial
> question.
> This is what I'm working with:
> - Xalan Version 1.2.2, XML4J Version Xerces 1.2.2
> - DocBook XSL stylesheet version >= 1.41
> My DocBook documents can be transformed without problem with version
> 1.41 of the stylesheets, and actually I always work with this version.
> But if I try to use version like 1.44, 1.45 or 1.48, I get messages like
> the following:
> ========= Parsing file:/usr/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.44/xhtml/docbook.xsl 
> =======
> === Parse of file:/usr/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.44/xhtml/docbook.xsl took 
> 6755 milliseconds
> ========= Parsing file:/home/giuliano/iccu/appunti/sparsi/a.xml ==========
> Parse of file:/home/giuliano/iccu/appunti/sparsi/a.xml took 2609 
> milliseconds
> =============================
> Transforming...
> Parser error: Element type "l:l10n" must be declared.
> Parser error: Attribute "language" must be declared for element type
> "l:l10n".
> Parser error: Element type "l:gentext" must be declared.
> Parser error: Attribute "key" must be declared for element type "l:gentext".
> Parser error: Attribute "text" must be declared for element type
> "l:gentext".
> Parser error: Element type "l:gentext" must be declared.
> Parser error: Attribute "key" must be declared for element type "l:gentext".
> Parser error: Attribute "text" must be declared for element type
> "l:gentext".
> ....
> The output contains several thousands of similar lines.
> Where am I wrong?
> Can anyone show me at least some links to FAQ, docs and such?
> Many thanks in advance.

Sometime after version 1.41 of the stylesheets
Norm added the text templates that implement localizations
for generated text.  They use the localization files
located in the 'common' directory in the XSL distribution.
They use a l: namespace to keep those elements separate
from other DocBook elements.  It looks like Xalan 1.2.2
either doesn't handle that namespace, or it thinks it needs a
DTD to process the localization elements.

I see that xml.apache.org no longer supports version 1.*
of Xalan-J.  You might want to upgrade to the newest
version, which is 2.2.D14.  That version worked for
me with the 1.48 stylesheets.

Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
Caldera International, Inc.                 fax:   (831) 429-1887
                                            email: bobs@caldera.com

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