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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Again: Apache FOP,Docbook: Features /Versions,"complete" Docbook distribution
A tool chain which works is XML to TEX trough Jade and DSSL and TEX to PDF trough PDFTEX with PDFJADETEX. For HTML, Jade with DSSL also works well. There are other options, but those are what I can talk about because I use them. Yes, Yes, I KNOW it doesn't work as well as we would like, but it provides a good balance results / time-invested. Not to talk about money... Regards, Juan R. Migoya SPAIN > > well, this is *SGML* for NT. > > I am not interested (as most) in SGML, as I am using XML heavily in > *many* projects; so to say it again: I am (and many other are) intested > in an XML/XSL to HTML/PDF solution. > > thank you > > Alex
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