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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Again: Apache FOP,Docbook: Features / Versions,"complete" Docbook distribution

On Tue, 2002-01-15 at 16:07, Alexander Schatten wrote:
> well, this is *SGML* for NT.
> I am not interested (as most) in SGML, as I am using XML heavily in 
> *many* projects; so to say it again: I am (and many other are) intested 
> in an XML/XSL to HTML/PDF solution.

Well, for practical purposes, XML is an SGML.

You can process DocBook XML files quite happily with openjade and DSSSL 

(about the only thing you need to do is avoid name spaces).

What you need to have on your box is...

The various SGML/XML DTDs and entity definitions and catalogs

DSSSL style sheets
XSL stylesheets

openjade for DSSSL processing
xsltproc for XSL processing or Java + saxon,xalan or whatever

That will get you to HTML quite nicely.

If you want to get to PDF postscript then you will need a decent teTeX
distribution + jadetex for dsssl, passivetex or java + fop for xml:fo.

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