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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: SGML (and XML) for NT (was: Again: Apache FOP,Docbook: Features / Versions,"complete" Docbook distribution)

Hi list,

there was some confusion in the thread referenced above about the
nature of my little tutorial "SGML for NT". A comment that I squeezed
into this thread went unheard, so for the sake of clarity I'd like to
post this one-time announcement:

SGML for NT describes the setup of a SGML and XML editing and
publishing system on Windows. You'll get step-by-step instructions to
install and configure Emacs, PSGML, (Open)Jade, TeX, JadeTeX,
xsltproc, Xalan, XT, Saxon, FOP, PassiveTeX, DocBook SGML and XML
DTDs, DocBook DSSSL and XSL stylesheets. In brief, the whole toolchain
to work with DocBook on either the SGML or XML side. You can choose
between a plain Win32 setup or a setup using Cygwin, allowing you to
work in a unix-like fashion.

The name for the tutorial is historical, as it started with a few
simple HTML pages describing my setup of the SGML toolchain on Windows
NT (XML was not yet an issue back then). I still think of XML being a
part of SGML (not entirely true, but sortof). If someone can come up
with a fresh catchy name for the tutorial *without slashes* to make
clear it embraces both SGML and XML, I'll be happy to use it.

The focus on the Windows platform is not due to the fact that I'd love
it so much but due to my personal experience that the SGML/XML stuff
is so much more cumbersome to piece together on Windows as compared to
e.g. the major Linux distributions (I guess my installation
instructions could be compressed to one shell command on Debian with
approximately the same result).


Markus Hoenicka

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