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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: SGML (and XML) for NT (was: Again: Apache FOP,Docbook: Features / Versions,"complete" Docbook distribution)

Hi Markus,
    I found your SGML site invaluable when I first started working with
DocBook. At that point you had not included the XML processor info for
Cygwin. (I ended up using xsltproc too :}).

Anyway I've just looked over those pages, and I've a small note and
question for you.

The note: xsltproc is available on cygwin via setup.exe. Just choose
libxslt. This has only become available as a package in the last couple
of weeks.

The question: Do you know of any non-java based fop processors? (in
fact, this is really a list question: does anyone know of the above?)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Markus Hoenicka" <hoenicka_markus@compuserve.com>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 4:10 PM

> Hi list,
> there was some confusion in the thread referenced above about the
> nature of my little tutorial "SGML for NT". A comment that I squeezed
> into this thread went unheard, so for the sake of clarity I'd like to
> post this one-time announcement:

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