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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Question about Sets in DocBook
On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 01:42:59PM +0100, Anita Ross (EED) wrote: > I am a new user to DobBook. I am writing 6 related but > separate technical documents that will be rendered as HTML > and pdf. Each book will contain 5 to 10 chapters. In the > DocBook Help (Section 2.4), it explains that the docs can > be put in physical chunks by creating separate "books" and > putting those books into a "set". However, when I do that, > my XML Spy editor will not validate the book because there > is no book tag at the beginning or end of the file. > > So, is set then the best way for creating physical chunks > for what will be rendered as HTML files for the online Help > that I am creating? Perhaps not. If, as you say, the technical documents are separate, then they can be authored and processed as separate book documents. In such a case, each document would start with: <?xml version="1.0?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.0/docbookx.dtd"> <book> ... You would need to put the collection of books into a set if you wanted to form cross references between the books using <link> or <xref>. Those elements use the ID/IDREF mechanism, which requires that the reference and the target be in the same document. The set becomes that document, of which the books are a part. The downside is that you have to convert your valid book document files into book system entity files. Then you can declare a collection of system entities and refer to them in the set document, as described in Norm's book. But the system entity form must not have a <!DOCTYPE> declaration element at the top. Unfortunately, without the <!DOCTYPE>, most XML editors will not treat the file as a valid file, because it specifies no DTD to validate against. I've always found this to be an odd limitation of the XML spec that was carried over from the SGML spec. Why can't the processor simply ignore any <!DOCTYPE> declaration in system entities? Anyway, some people get around this problem by using an editor that "fakes" a DOCTYPE declaration, usually acting on an embedded comment or processing instruction in the file. Others create a wrapper file for each book, which is essentially a 'set' document that contains just one book entity reference, to be used for validation purposes only. Using modular XML files is not as easy as it should be. If you don't need cross references between your books, just keep them as separate book documents. Bob Stayton 400 Encinal Street Publications Architect Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Technical Publications voice: (831) 427-7796 Caldera International, Inc. fax: (831) 429-1887 email: bobs@caldera.com
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