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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: How do I handle line breaks in table entries fromdtdparse?
Greetings all. I am documenting the dtd for an application at work. Over the past few months, I have made sporadic attempts to use docbook for this purpose. The succint version of the question is: How do I get linebreaks in my xml to make it through to the pdf rendition of a docbook instance? I succeeded some time ago in using the dtdparse package from Norm Walsh to generate some refentry content directly from our dtd. This past week, I finally got around to trying to get jade + dsssl to do some output of the docbook instance created by dtdparse. (BTW, the effort and frustration of getting jade to do anything with xml just about put an end to my efforts ;-) I used Walsh's modular dsssl stylesheets with jade. I want pdf, so I got jade to put out tex, and then used jadetex to get pdf. The problem is that Walsh's dtdparse package creates tables (to document element content models in the dtd) in which the <entry> elements rely on line breaks ((#xA) to format the entry, at least as far as I can tell. When I run the tex file output by jade through pdfjadetex, the latter reports that many of the tables are too wide. The problem is that the table entries that are meant to be multi-line (i.e. broken by line breaks) are all strung together to make one very wide table cell. I know neither dsssl nor jadetex, but don't mind learning. Does anyone have any bright ideas on how I might fix this problem? TIA. - Pat -
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