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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSLT and DocBook 3.1 SGML?
Stupid question: Is there any posibility to use XSLT stylesheets (actually db2latex) to DocBook 3.1 (SGML) source? Currently I convert it to XML using for i in *.sgml do sgml2xml -c /etc/sgml/catalog -E99999 \ -xid \ -xno-nl-in-tag \ -xlower \ -xempty \ -xcdata -ihtml -ixml $i > new/`basename $i .sgml`.xml done and after that some search and replace on that files (like <imagedata fileref="_"> </imagedata> to <imagedata * /> -- when I not use option empty I get <imagedata fileref="_" /> </imagedata> ;-(. assumptions: * that docment is splitted to many files, and I want to save that split, so I cannot normalize all document and use that effect ;-(. -- Ziemek Borowski ZMB-RIPE http://ziembor.waw.pl/zmb/
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