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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSLT and DocBook 3.1 SGML?

I would convert the documents to XML and leave them as XML.

XML can be handled by SGML tools with an appropriate declarations

... Unless of course you are tied to some SGML tool that won't handle
XML... (might be time to change that tool)

All my new documents are XML documents, although I still process them
with openjade and DSSSL.

There are more XML tools than there are SGML tools available now, so
using DocBook XML is pretty much a win-win situation for me.

But in crude terms, XML is a subset of SGML, rather than the other way
round... So it is easier  to get things that know about SGML to handle
XML rather than vice versa.

On Thu, 2002-01-17 at 21:26, Ziemek Borowski wrote:
> Stupid question: 
> Is there any posibility to use XSLT stylesheets (actually 
> db2latex) to DocBook 3.1 (SGML) source?
> Currently I convert it to XML using 
> for i in *.sgml 
>  do sgml2xml  -c /etc/sgml/catalog -E99999 \
> 		-xid \
> 		-xno-nl-in-tag \
> 		-xlower \
> 		-xempty \
> 		-xcdata -ihtml -ixml $i > new/`basename $i .sgml`.xml 
>  done
> and after that some search and replace on that files (like <imagedata
> fileref="_">  </imagedata> to <imagedata * /> -- when I not use option 
> empty I get <imagedata fileref="_" />  </imagedata> ;-(. 
> assumptions: 
> * that docment is splitted to many files, and I want to save that split,
> so I cannot normalize all document and use that effect ;-(.
> -- 
> Ziemek Borowski ZMB-RIPE http://ziembor.waw.pl/zmb/

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