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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: HTMLHelp, XSL Driver File,Book Request for XSL customizations

First:  A preface can't come before a book.  I tried anyway, but Saxon gives
an error message and looking at the DocBook Hierarchy, it appears <preface>
must be nested in something like <book>. Thought of using <set>, but if I am
reading the nesting of elements properly, you can't have a <preface> inside
a <set> before a <book>.  I've tried a few things, but have gotten worse
results than the code I show here.

Second:  I've been overriding the parameters that are simple, such as those
specified in the documentation found at xsl\doc\html\index.html (params that
the param.xsl refers to).  This time I need to specify something that isn't
in that list.  Maybe the question should be: "How do I reference the
ImageType parameter from a XSL driver file without having to override the
entire template?"

Third: I'm open for more suggestions on where to find help on customizing
stylesheets via a driver file.  Does an XSL driver file that produced the
HTMLHelp for docbook exist?  If it's on the CD, I will keep looking.

Always thankful for a reply,


-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Araya [mailto:carlos@cvc.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 9:10 AM
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: HTMLHelp, XSL Driver File, Book Request for
XSL customizations

On 01/22/02 6:59, "Maggie Strevell" <maggie@ssinc.com> wrote:

> Three items...
> First:
> I am trying to come up with HTMLHelp file that has a simple hierarchy.
> Since I am new to XML, XSL and DocBook, I am unsure if I am specifying the
> wrong tags or if I need to customize the HTMLHelp XSL in my XSL driver
> What I am trying to do is generate a help table of contents that 1)Has an
> article that isn't inside a folder/book 2) To title each folder/book
> it being a link to something.  I am using the docbookx.dtd.
How about using a preface? The preface goes before anything but index and
legal stuff if I remember correctly, look into TDG for more information, If
you're using sect1 as to create the subheadings, I believe you need to
customize the stylesheet or look for a parameter that does this.

> Second:
> I would like to override the XSL template for hhc-main to specify the
> ImageType of "Book" rather than "Folder" (which is in the original).
> The only difference between the example below (which is in my driver
> file) and the one in the original XSL is the ImageType value.
> This works, but is there a simpler way in my driver file to change this
> property?  What
> is the best way to override a template in a driver file and make it so
> that I don't customize more than I need to?
If there's a param.xsl file on htmlhelp you should be able to create the
driver and just override the parameters. You'd still need to import
docbook.xsl, but overriding parameters should be much easier than rewriting
an entire template

> Can anyone make a XSL book recommendation (or on-line tutorial, etc...)
> teaches how to customize a stylesheet using a driver file?  Does Norm use
> htmlhelp stylesheet driver file to produce the help for the DocBook book?
> have the CD, just wondering if it exists and where it might be on the CD.
I'd say look at the docbook.xsl file on the htmlhelp directory for a
starting point. Other people may have a different idea

> Many Thanks!
> Maggie

Carlos E. Araya
---+ WebCT Administrator/Trainer
 P | California Virtual Campus
 - | C/O De Anza College
 G | 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
---+ Cupertino, CA 95014

email               carlos@cvc.edu
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                    http://www.silverwolf-net.net (personal)
phone               408 257 0420 (work)
PGP Fingerprint:    E629 5DFD 7EAE 4995 E9D7  3D2F 5A9F 0CE7 DFE7 1756

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons....for you are crunchy and  taste
good with ketchup and mayonnaise.."

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