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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: HTMLHelp, XSL Driver File,Book Request for XSL customizations

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maggie Strevell [mailto:maggie@ssinc.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 10:00 AM
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: HTMLHelp, XSL Driver File, Book Request for XSL
> customizations
> What I am trying to do is generate a help table of contents 
> that 1)Has an
> article that isn't inside a folder/book 2) To title each 
> folder/book without
> it being a link to something.  I am using the docbookx.dtd.

In my recent HTML Help project, I used the stylesheet only to generate the
first pass of the TOC. I renamed this file, and thereafter maintained the
TOC file manually (ignoring the regenerated one). If you have the HTML Help
Workshop, it's much simpler to edit the TOC there - adding indentation and
non-linking or customized icons, for instance - than to customize the style
sheet. It also frees you from the physical structure of your document in a
way that the book-oriented stylesheet does not. 

Of course, if you require absolutely everything to be generated, then this
is not the solution for you, and I guess you'll need to customize the

> What is the best way to override a template in a driver file and make it
> that I don't customize more than I need to?
> Can anyone make a XSL book recommendation (or on-line 
> tutorial, etc...) that
> teaches how to customize a stylesheet using a driver file?  

These two questions are related. One place to start is with the
documentation that ships with docbook.xsl. Try doc\ch01s04.html (Customizing
DocBook XSL stylesheets).

Good luck!

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