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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Regarding TOC


i'm using docbbok.dsl in print directory for formatting the rtf output.
here is the sample.dsl

<!doctype style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN"
[<!ENTITY docbook.dsl SYSTEM "E:\Docbook\Install\openjadew1_3\usr\lib\sgml\docbook-dsssl-1.74b\print\docbook.dsl" CDATA dsssl>

<style-specification id="print" use="docbook">
(define %generate-book-toc% #f)

<external-specification id="docbook"document="docbook.dsl">

and here is the sample.sgm

<!doctype book system "IRIS_OVERVIEW.dtd">

but when i generate rtf output using
openjade -t rtf -d sample.dsl#print sample.sgm

it gives two pages showing the book title contents before the toc.

why is it so??

plz...reply immediately.



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