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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Document Headers and Footers


Just started working with DSSSL and I am trying to produce technical 
documents with the following format for all the chapters headers & footers:

Sub-Title                                               chapt # chapt name

Some Text..............................

pubsnumber                 revnumber                   page number

Below would be typical output if everything was working ok !!

Arch Spec                                        Chapter 1. Introduction

Some Text..............................

ABC-xyz-100                   Version 1.0A                               1

However, I can't get the Sub-titlle of my documents into the header section 
of the pages. I have a similar problem with pubsnumber and revnumber in the 
footer of the document in that I don't know how to access these elements ? 
Another thing which is annoying is the fact that the page number appears 
above the footer line and the chapter name appears below the header line !!

I am using :

From my initial viewing of the mailing it seems this is a recurring problem 
for most people dealing with DSSSL I have included my DSSSL stylesheet 
below.......Any tips on solving the above problems would be much appreciated. 


----------- contents of mystyle.dsl --------------------------------

<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY dbstyle PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print 
Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>

<style-specification use="docbook">

 ;; 1. Define Header and Footers
(define (first-page-inner-header gi)
 (make sequence
    (make rule
       orientation: 'horizontal
       length: %text-width%
       line-thickness: 1pt
       start-indent: 0pt
       space-after: (/ %block-sep% 2)
       keep-with-next?: #f)))

(define (page-inner-header gi)
 (make sequence
    (make rule
       orientation: 'horizontal
       length: %text-width%
       line-thickness: 1pt
       start-indent: 0pt
       space-after: (/ %block-sep% 2)
       keep-with-next?: #f)))

(define (first-page-outer-header gi)
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "dedication")) (empty-sosofo))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "lot")) (empty-sosofo))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "part")) (empty-sosofo))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "toc")) (empty-sosofo))
   (else ($title-header-footer$))))

(define (first-page-inner-footer gi)
 (make sequence
    (make rule
       orientation: 'horizontal
       length: %text-width%
       line-thickness: 1pt
       start-indent: 0pt
       space-after: (/ %block-sep% 2)
       keep-with-next?: #f)))

(define (page-inner-footer gi)
 (make sequence
    (make rule
       orientation: 'horizontal
       length: %text-width%
       line-thickness: 1pt
       start-indent: 0pt
       space-after: (/ %block-sep% 2)
       keep-with-next?: #f)))

(define (page-center-footer gi)
  (make paragraph
     quadding: 'center
     line-spacing: 12pt
     (literal "Version ")))


<external-specification id="docbook" document="dbstyle">

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