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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with <programlisting> in Fop

Platform: Intel PIII, debian testing, lib-saxon-java 6.4.4
	saxon-catalog 20000203, XAE 1.0beta6, Fop-0.20.1

Right now I'm using the DocBook XSL stylesheets from XAE, with
the exception of fo-patch-for-fop.xsl, which I fetched from
the 1.48 release of docbook-xsl.

In my XML source file, I have a piece of code surrounded by

When I format to HTML, using the html/docbook.xsl file, it
shows up as expected in a <pre> tag.

When I run the fo/docbook.xsl stylesheet on the XML source,
and then run the resulting .fo file through Fop, all lines
of the <programlisting> are put on the same line.

I get the same result when running the .fo file through the 
fo/fo-patch-for-fop.xsl before formatting with Fop.

Is this a known problem?

Is there a known workaround?


- Steinar

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