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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Customizing PDF look and feel using DocBook,Epic Print Composer and XSL-FO

I'm pretty sure it's Xalan, not XT.

Arbortext tells me it's Xalan when I speak with the Sales engineers. And,
searching Epic Help for "saxon" or "xt", I find no topic on either. When
searching on Xalan, the Epic 4.2 Help says:

"When Epic Editor composes XML documents using XSL, it uses the Xalan XSLT
transformation engine. The internal XSL transformation process uses SAX
(Simple API for XML) events collected from the document tree as its input.
The transformation engine relies on the Sun Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
embedded in Epic Editor. The Xalan transformation engine handles all
composition options that use XSL stylesheets."

I understand this part. I don't understand the next part, which says:

"You can use the ACL sax_parse function to create SAX events, perform entity
substitutions, and manage graphic references. SAX events are captured by a
Java object created by calling the java_constructor function."

Also, within the Epic program files, there are about a half dozen .xsl files
with that begin with xt (I think they are just there to add backward's
compatibility, but I'm not sure.) There are also about 12 saxon directories
(I'm not sure why?) So I can't tell exactly what's going on under the hood.

Tristan David Bishop
Technical Publishing Manager
Invio Software, Inc.
2121 Staunton Ct., Palo Alto, CA 94306
650-813-1200 x119

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Pawson [mailto:daveP@dpawson.freeserve.co.uk]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 9:56 AM
To: denisb@rational.com; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Customizing PDF look and feel using DocBook,
Ep ic Print Composer and XSL-FO

At 10:22 24/01/2002 -0500, denisb@rational.com wrote:

>FWIW: In Epic 4.1*, the XSLT processor is XT. I found out because XT barfs
>on the key function, preventing me from using the latest docbook.xsl with
>Epic Compose.
>I haven't installed Epic 4.2, but don't see anything in the release notes
>that suggests a change.

Ouch. I'd have thought that  Paul G would have moved off that years ago!

-3 brownie points to Arbortext.


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