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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Generate Chinese PDF file
[ Follow-ups to docbook-apps, please ] / Hsueh-Hsiang Lu <lu@gate.sinica.edu.tw> was heard to say: | I am wondering if there is somebody who did generate Chinese PDF file with | docbook xslt stylesheet. There is no problem with English docbook | documents. But all the Chinese characters were rendered with | un-recognizable characters when applying the same mechanism to produce the | English ones. | | Working environment: | =================== | Linux box with RedHat 7.1 | IBM Java 2 Run Time | Apache FOP + DocBook XSLT 1.46 experimental stylesheets My guess is that it's a font problem at the FOP level. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | The average man, who does not know http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | what to do with his life, wants Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | another one which will last | forever.--Anatole France
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