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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: SGML to RTF/pagenumber alignment (bug?)

Bernd Kreimeier wrote:
> I tried to look for this in the FAQ, but it doesn't even
> have a DSSSL-RTF section. 

I found this in print/dbparams.dsl:

(define %two-side%
  ;; REFENTRY two-side
  ;; PURP Is two-sided output being produced?
  ;; DESC
  ;; If '%two-side%' is true, headers and footers are alternated
  ;; so that the "outer" and "inner" headers will be correctly
  ;; placed in the bound document.
  ;; /DESC

So it's already switched off. (Btw., how would I ever get centered
pagenumbers in the footer?).


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