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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DSSSL customization
/ Tim Terlegård <tim@se.linux.org> was heard to say: | 1 & 2 worked perfectly, thanks man! | |> > 3. The subtitle, how can I make it non-bold and change the font size? How |> > can I make a linebreak in it? |> |> Override that element in your local stylesheet, and add the |> necessary formatting changes. Look through Norm's modular DocBook |> stylesheets for examples. | | That sounds so simple :-) | | There are many "(element subtitle" sections in dbttlpg.dsl, have no idea why. Because there's one for each mode set-titlepage-recto-mode, ... | But I took one of them Well, the one you take really matters. If you want to change the one on a book titlepage recto, make sure you say: (mode book-titlepage-recto-mode (element subtitle ... your defn ...)) in your customization layer. | What am I missing? The mode, I bet :-) Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | We humans are such limited http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | creatures--how is it that there Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | are so few limits when it comes to | human suffering?--Pierre Marivaux
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