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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: RE: Customizing PDF look and feel using DocBook,Epic Print Composer and XSL-FO

Thanks Norm, I really appreciate it. You are a servant of many.

Actually, I received an XSL:FO patch from Arbortext engineering yesterday,
which I hope to try today. They said it is untested as of yet, so I'm
essentially doing the QA. I appreciate them giving it to me just the same.

Arbortext told me the XSL:FO Page margin properties were not supported in
Epic 4.2. They say with the mentioned patch is applied, they should work.

You are right about your architecture assumptions. The Arbortext driver file
is samplefo.xsl which incorporates some fixes. Epic 4.2 distributed the
docbook 1.40 version style sheets.

I'll try their patch. Then, if that won't fix all, I'll try your path to
point to 1.48.

Tristan David Bishop
Technical Publishing Manager
Invio Software, Inc.
2121 Staunton Ct., Palo Alto, CA 94306
650-813-1200 x119

-----Original Message-----
From: Norman Walsh [mailto:ndw@mercury]On Behalf Of Norman Walsh
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 5:49 AM
To: Tristan Bishop
Cc: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: Customizing PDF look and feel using DocBook, Epic Print
Composer and XSL-FO

/ Tristan Bishop <tristan@inviosoftware.com> was heard to say:
| For styling, I'm using the DocBook 1.48 style sheets that I downloaded
| Source Forge. I'm also using the Arbortext Epic 4.2 editor, and their
| Composer engine.  As far as I know, the Arbortext engine contains Xalan
| processing, as well as some kind of converter (possibly FOP?) to go from
| FO's to

It's not FOP, it's an internal FOSI compositor built on top of TeX.

| ISSUE NUMBER 1) Not all parameters respond to my customization layer.
| I used the FO parameter Reference list found at:
| http://docbook.sourceforge.net/projects/xsl/doc/fo/
| Many of the customized parameters work just fine. Such as:
| <xsl:param name="admon.graphics" select="1"/>
| <xsl:param name="body.font.family">Arial</xsl:param>
| <xsl:param name="title.margin.left" select="'0pc'"/>
| Other recommended customization parameters simply do not change the
| resulting PDF output. Examples of ignored parameters include:
| page.margin.bottom
| page.margin.inner
| page.margin.outer
| page.margin.top

XSL FO publishing through Epic requires some additional work. It
*might* work better if you reference the default Epic customization
layer instead of stock DocBook stylesheets in your customization
layer. Realistically, you may have to do a little more than that.

Here's my guess: Epic ships with some customization layer, call it
epic.xsl, though I doubt that's it's real name. That file in turn
imports the Epic-distributed version of the stylesheets. If I understand
you correctly, you want to replace the Epic distributed stylesheets
with 1.48 and do some customization. Here's what I think will work:

1. Copy epic.xsl to myepic.xsl.
2. Edit myepic.xsl so that it xsl:imports 1.48
3. Create mycustom.xsl that imports myepic.xsl.

I think that'll work.

| ISSUE NUMBER 2) The file path to reference graphics is being mangled
| Within my DocBook XML source, I use the <graphic> element to refer to
| shots. The syntax is:
| <graphic fileref="abcdefg.jpg"/>
| When I run the conversion, I receive an error message stating:
| [A12630] Error: The graphics file cdefg.jpg could not be opened.
| No matter what the file name or file path, the conversion process cuts of
| the first two letters of the file name. So if my graphic is
| /12345/abcdefg.jpg
| The error will say:
| [A12630] Error: The graphics file 345/abcdefg.jpg could not be opened.

Bizarre. I think you can probably bug-report that one to Arbortext.

| My questions:
| Why are some parameters ignored?

The FOSI page model is not quite the same as the XSL page model. Part of the
Epic FO publishing process is the mapping from XSL to FOSI. I think you've
configured things so that that mapping isn't happening. My suggestions above
*might* help.

| What's going on with the <graphic> element?

I think that's a bug.

| Are these troubles because I'm using the ATI XML DocBook V4.0 DTD with the
| Epic print composer?

Not precisely. I think there's some interaction between your
customization efforts and the print composer's necessary "extra work".
You might ask help@arbortext.com if they have some documentation for
this stuff.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Greatness of soul is never
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | apparent, for it conceals itself;
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | a little originality is usually
                                   | all that shows. Greatness of soul
                                   | is more frequent than one would
                                   | suppose.--Stendhal

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