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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bibliography management/BibTex equivalent

I believe what you have in mind is much easier to achieve with driver
files for the stylesheets. Your software just needs to emit a proper
driver file for the style you want to apply. This happens to be the
way RefDB (http://refdb.sourceforge.net) deals with this problem. No
modifications to the DTD, no modifications to the stylesheet... just
use them as nature created them...


E.L. Willighagen writes:
 > It would be nice if the output style was pluggable... Like in LaTex
 > where
 > you include a style for it... This style defines the proper order, and
 > states which fields are outputed...
 > Is it possible to have a file inclusion based on a variable? (/me is 
 > thinking XSLT now...) That is, have a parameter which a user can
 > overwrite,
 > and based on this parameter, a specific bibilography style is loaded?
 > This bibliographic style would a an XSLT stylesheet overwriting some
 > default
 > style, possibly the stylesheets now used for the bibliographic
 > elements...
 > That would be a very convenient solution...

Markus Hoenicka

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