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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bibliography management/BibTex equivalent

Mark Wroth wrote:
> I understand BibTeX better than I do DocBook.  But I think the appropriate
> correspondence is that the .bib file is the equivalent of the structural
> markup 


> in DocBook; 

Unfortunately not in DocBook :-(

> it encodes the meaning of its elements, not their
> presentation.  The .bbl file produced by BibTeX (based on the document
> citations, database, and style file) contains only "cooked" entries.

Yep. I guess you could express the .bll "rendering" using DocBook
elements (especially the "cooked" ones), but the .bib  citation database 
contains more information than the DocBook elements. A backend 
versatile enough to implement the citation styles would need that
additional markup. In short, if you want to move the citation database
into DocBook, you at least have to distinguish book/article/collection etc.
bibentries, and ensure that required fields are there.


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