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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade 1.3.1 Windows Binaries and numbers

I have tried OpenJade 1.3.1 binaries for Windows.
Working whit the Docbook DSSSL 1.74b i get error messages
about quantities expressed as 0.7 (like colors) and also 
with "pt" magnitudes.

Does OpenJade expect 0,7 instead of 0.7, or what is the problem?

Thanks in advance,

Juan R. Migoya

Ian Castle wrote:
> As promised, for Windows users without a suitable compiler, pre-compiled
> binaries of the OpenJade 1.3.1 tools and libraries are available.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/openjade
> Regards,
> Ian.

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