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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: FAQ tagging

That's what I use.  (I guess I should, considering it's there because of my 
RFE!)  I've never thought of it as overkill, because the FAQ list I 
maintain is long lived, and the revhistory gives the reader an idea as to 
whether an entry is still current.

I find the original question, about versioning entries, interesting.  Many 
of the entries are specific to a platform or product version.  For example, 
"how to determine the CPU type," "crash running an ODBC test with version 
4.5.x," or "kernel tuning for the DBMS."  Some entries are only relevant 
under certain circumstances.  Others have a different answer depending on 
the circumstances.

For now, we're content to live with the limitations of a simple DocBook FAQ 
article.  However, as we accumulate more content, we may want more features 
of a knowledgebase, in the customer support sense of the word.  The 
MathWorks had a nice in-house system they called SWAT: solutions, 
workarounds, and tips.  This sort of system really requires a database on 
the back end, though.

At 1/25/02, Dave Pawson wrote:
>At 11:44 25/01/2002 +0100, Jirka Kosek wrote:
>>You can put <revhistory> element inside <qandaentry> for marking date
>>and author of answer.
>Bit of an overkill Jirka?

Jon Willeke, Quality Engineer
InterSystems Corp.
One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142

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