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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: DocBook XSL stylesheets and Fop

...don't seem to work together very well.  I'm using version 1.48 of the
stylesheets and version 0.20.3rc of fop on Debian GNU/Linux "sid".

This is what I get

/usr/bin/xsltproc ./print.xsl ./my.xml > ./pdf/my.fo
Making portrait pages on USLetter paper (8.5inx11in)
term width: 6em
term width: 4em
term width: 16em
term width: 12em

[Ok so far so good, then:

/usr/local/bin/fop ./pdf/my.fo ./pdf/my.pdf
[INFO]: FOP 0.20.3rc
[INFO]: building formatting object tree
[WARN]: property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
[WARN]: property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
[WARN]: property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
[WARN]: property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
[WARN]: property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
[WARN]: property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
[WARN]: property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
[INFO]: [1]
[INFO]: [2]
[INFO]: [3]

...and it hangs.  I noticed there is fo-patch-for-fop.xsl but when I run
my.fo through that, I get this error from fop:

ERROR: org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: 'master-name' for
'fo:page-sequence' matches no 'simple-page-master' or 'page-sequence-master'

Any ideas?

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org>
It's a girl! See the pictures - http://www.braincells.com/shailaja/

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