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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Problems with <programlisting> in Fop

Norman Walsh [mailto:ndw@nwalsh.com] wrote:

> / "Bang, Steinar" <Steinar.bang@tandbergtv.com> was heard to say:
>> Platform: Intel PIII, debian testing, lib-saxon-java 6.4.4
>> 		saxon-catalog 20000203, XAE 1.0beta6, Fop-0.20.1

> You might try fop 20.2 or 20.3rc.

Good idea!  Fop 20.2 worked with DocBook-XSL 1.48 (didn't work with
the version of the XSL style sheets delivered with XAE 1.0beta6),
and the <programlisting> problem was gone.


Fop 20.3rc crashed for me, with the message:
	[INFO]: FOP 0.20.3rc
	[INFO]: building formatting object tree
	[ERROR]: 'master-reference' for 'fo:page-sequence'matches no
'simple-page-master' or 'page-sequence-master'

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